Thursday, September 30, 2010

BP2_iGoogle Screen Shots

While trying to build my own "personal learning environment", I will be utilizing my existing iGoogle page and adding necessary "tabs" to organize my life thoughout the EMDT journey.  Below you will see my Home tab where I keep up-to-date on various personal sites.  In addition to some relevant links for my coursework, I am also utilizing this screen to display some RSS feeds that do not necessarily have articles but act more as a listing service.

The ETC tab shows some preliminary "gadgets" that I plan to use during the Emergent Technologies in a Collaborative Culture course.  This will be a work in progress as I determine what else may be relevant to this course.

Below the ETC tab, you will find a tab labeled FSO.  This tab will be the repository of anything that is related to Full Sail Online.

Lastly, you will find a tab that is labeled Action Research. This is where I intend to organize my Action Research project that is of a year long graduation requirement.  

As you can see, the possibilities are endless when creating your own personal learning environment (PLE).  The overall goal of using a PLE is to increase efficiency and also allow you to choose which way you prefer to have your content laid out.  I would encourage everyone to start by using iGoogle to create a PLE and add some personal and work related gadgets.

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