Saturday, October 16, 2010

PE2_GarageBand part 2

As I continue through the introductory videos at, I am feeling both hopeless and excited.  I have worked through the exercises that focused on navigating the software but when they started talking about bars, tempo, measures and beats, I suddenly felt overwhelmed because I have no idea what the relationship is between these musical aspects.

As I worked through the tutorials, I did get a better understanding but I do realize that I have much more knowledge to be gained. I am hoping that once I dive into playing with some sample music, all of this will mesh.  Additionally, feelings of regret kept coming back to me wishing I would have paid more attention back in fifth grade when we learned the recorder.

The excitement started overtaking the nervousness when I got to the tutorials that dealt with inserting loops.  The videos went into detail of what computer generated loops could do that real instrument loops had difficulty doing (changing beats, sounds, etc).  While I understand reasons why there are differences, I don't think I will have to worry about this for quite some time; however, I do realize now that I want to pick up that acoustic guitar again and take another stab at learning how to play it.  This desire will have to wait until this EMDT program is over.

As the "loops" tutorials continued, I felt more and more at ease and was wanting to dive right in, but I know that my limitations would only have me referring to the forums, help and more videos, so I thought that I better continue through all of the tutorials so I can head off any future headaches.

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