Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 1: Wimba Review

Being overwhelmed a bit at first glance of this month's dashboard, I was somewhat comforted in the reiteration of what was happening over the next four weeks. What may seem like a ton of work on the surface, the assignments that are due in the coming weeks are actually works that we have been building along the EMDT journey.

I commend Full Sail on the approach that was taken for the AR project and Literature Review. Baby-stepping through the program surely helped alleviate any 11-month jitters about the AR Project as well as the Literature Review paper.

Unfortunately, the month of May is a busy time in our school (equally as busy as August) due to many after-school commitments; however, the EMDT program has strengthened my endurance for staying up late. Having the assignments due on Sunday is especially helpful.

I still worry that the shear number of blog entries are not missed or overlooked. I am still looking for a "master checklist" to keep me organized and sane. If anyone finds one, please drop me a comment.Action Research Project

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