Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 4: Comment #2 - David Hotler

Friend and classmate, David Hotler, diverges his thoughts on how Zander's book Art of Possibility relates to him personally.  The following is an excerpt from his blog entry:
The last practice is what I think I do best. I constantly find myself in the position of networker or connector. I seems to know someone who can do something for every situation in my life. Need an oil change, I know a guy. Need a banner, I know a guy. In some situations I am simply the missing piece to a more complicated puzzle and I am always will to fit myself into that puzzle. Someone needs a logo design, I can do it or I know a guy. You need a sign made, you want a website, show me how to photoshop this into that. These things to me are easy and readily available in my life but to others it is a large obstacle on the path of their quest in life. I help them pass it and they are able to move on. I have not done this for others many times but have had this done to me many times. In some situations I meet with someone that seems to be on my path for longer than just one favor and we begin to work in trade together. I do this and you do that. We become a team of strengths that work towards something bigger. 
This is how I responded on his blog:

David, this truly depicts the old adage, "it's not what you know, but who you know".  This is a perfect example of being a lifelong learner.  Sometimes we think we need to know how to do everything in order to be considered a lifelong learner; however, in my opinion knowing where to find the answers is the epitome of lifelong learning.

Life is bigger than just you and me.  Things get done because we are all cogs in the gears that we call life.

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